On Fri, 3 Jun 2022 18:37:29 +0000 "Mexis, Nico" wrote: > Dear CygWin team, > > this is my first bug report and I hope I have chosen the right recipients > here. > I am very sorry if this is the wrong address. > > Here is my bug report: > Currently, I am trying to compile a software for commutative algebra, namely > CoCoA 5, using CygWin. > The compilation itself is working correctly and finishes as expected. > CoCoA 5 uses readline in order to facilitate inputs from the console. > When starting the resulting executable within CygWin bash, readline and all > of its features work correctly. > Also, as long as CygWin's DLLs are within Windows's PATH, in the default (and > new) Windows Terminal, everything is working fine. > However, when trying to create a distributable zip file with all the > libraries included, something strange happens: > In order to allow users without a CygWin installation to start CoCoA 5, all > the required DLLs need to be distributed together with the application itself. > All the required libraries could be found using DependencyWalker and cygcheck. > Of course, as expected, cygwin1.dll is one of the required DLLs. > As soon as I place cygwin1.dll in the installation directory where CoCoA 5's > executable resides, readline support breaks. > For some reason, the input line behaves very strangely, e.g., backspace and > the arrow keys are not working correctly. > All of the other DLLs (including cygreadline7.dll) can reside in the > installation directory without causing trouble. > But as soon as cygwin1.dll is also added in the installation directory, this > bug reappears. > > Another strange observation: > This problem does not seem to only affect CoCoA 5, but also many other > similar applications like PARI/GP. > As soon as cygwin1.dll is copied into the same directory as the application's > exe, this strange bug appears. > > Sadly, I do not know about a fix yet since cygwin1.dll is needed for all > users without a local CygWin installation. > But - in turn - adding cygwin1.dll causes this bug which makes the console > application very uncomfortable to use. > > I would be very happy if you know a fix for this strange issue since I could > not find something similar online. > Best regards and thank you very much in advance,
If the program depends on cygncurses*.dll, it also needs /usr/share/terminfo. It should be placed in the relative path ../usr/share/terminfo from the directory where cygwin1.dll exists. -- Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp> -- Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: https://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple