For the archives: No. This is not going to do what the OP wants at all. In fact, if there's more than one file named 1000.*, it won't even work (find will produce a "find: paths must precede expression" error). For details, "info find" and "info bash".
To the OP: Is your 1000 directory a symbolic link, by any chance? If it is, try the "-follow" option. For details, "info find". Igor On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Carlo Florendo wrote: > find . -name 1000.* > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 5:57 PM > Subject: Problems with find > > > Hi folks, > > I trie to search file with find an didn't find all the file which should be > found > > I search for all file starting with 1000 an the file in the > diretory 1000 is not found > $ find . -name 1000\* > ./ > ./1000 > > but when I ls the directory 1000 the file is listed > $ ls 1000 > > > As you can see I use the find installed in /usr/bin > $ which find > /usr/bin/find > $ type find > find is hashed (/usr/bin/find) > > > what is wrong? Is it a bug or my fault? > > Thanks for any help and hint > > Franz -- |\ _,,,---,,_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Igor Pechtchanski '---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-. Meow! Oh, boy, virtual memory! Now I'm gonna make myself a really *big* RAMdisk! -- /usr/games/fortune -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ: