On Sun, 24 Apr 2022 at 15:42, Thomas Wolff wrote: > > I have uploaded mintty 3.6.1 with the following changes: > > Window handling > * Terminal reflow (#82, #219): fixed crash condition on irregular > reflow chunks. > * Terminal reflow (#82, #219): fixed memory leak. > > Terminal features > * Visual input feedback: don't obscure text when just pressing Alt. > * Separate foreground and background values for ANSI colours (#1151). > * OSC 7704 for setting ANSI colours distinct from palette colours > (#1151). > > Keyboard handling > * Support longer multi-char keyboard input (a.k.a. "ligatures" in > Windows) (#1155). > > Configuration (contributed by Andy Koppe) > * ANSI colour specification accepts foreground ; background values > (#1151). > * Tuned themes helmholtz (default) and kohlrausch for legibility (#1156). > > The homepage is at http://mintty.github.io/ > It also links to the issue tracker.
Thanks Thomas. In the default 'helmholtz' theme, the separate foreground and background colour settings are used for blue, red, magenta and grey (aka "BoldBlack"), with the background variants darker than the foreground ones. Foreground blue is significantly brighter again than before, to help readability on a black background. It's still not as bright as the other colours, because it's also often used on bright backgrounds, but I think it now looks ok in syntax highlighting schemes that use it. The 'kohlrausch' theme is repurposed as a black-on-white version of 'helmholtz', with the foreground colour variants darker than the background ones. It's probably best used with the "show bold as font" mode. Note that as the theme contains settings for the default foreground and background colours, those can't then be changed in the options dialog. To be able to change them anyway, copy the colour settings from /usr/share/mintty/themes/kohlrausch into ~/.minttyrc and remove the ThemeFile setting. Andy -- Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: https://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple