On 2022-04-11 11:35, Takashi Yano wrote:
On Sun, 10 Apr 2022 23:49:29 +0300
Alexey Izbyshev wrote:

Is it safe to create an *inheritable* handle in another process here?
Could it be that the target process spawns a child at the wrong moment
(e.g. before it even knows about the newly created handle), and that
handle unintentionally leaks into the child, triggering the hang

Thanks for finding that! As you pointed out, hWritePipe should not
be inheritable. That might be the cause.

A countermeasure version is available at the following location:

Could you please test? To keep the hanging tree, please install
cygwin another directory, and replace cygwin1.dll with the
countermeasure version.

Thank you for providing the binaries! I've started testing in a separate cygwin installation on the same machine, as you suggested. The hang previously took many hours to reproduce, so I'll keep tests running for a while and then report back.


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