On 2022-04-08 02:54, Brian Inglis wrote:
I've seen infinite loops with readlink in build scripts under Cygwin.
Seeing that readlink in a process tree makes me suspicious that
something in a shell script is looping because two paths never match
or always match under Cygwin.
Often there is one constant path and a varying path which is subjected
to readlink in a loop.
Under Cygwin, you may have to pass the first path through readlink and
compare that resulting path against the varying value.

Thanks, but I don't think I have such loops in this project. Also, other processes hang in independent make jobs, so a hang around readlink wouldn't explain that.

There is also an additional detail that I forgot to mention: in the stack trace of all leaf processes as displayed by ProcessHacker, it seems that the executable entry point is not reached yet. The only non-Windows-DLL location is in cygwin1.dll, so I suspect that all processes hang at early initialization in Cygwin's DLL entry point.


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