On Mon, 4 Apr 2022 13:08:27 +0000 (UTC)
Bruce Mardle wrote:
> Hi, all.
> I've been happily compiling simple C programs under Emacs (emacs-w32) under 
> Cygwin. Yesterday I wanted to install libedit-dev. While I was doing that, 
> setup...exe marked a few dozen other packages for upgrades. I didn't notice 
> which. Now, if I `emacs hello.c` and M-x compile gcc -o hello hello.c the 
> compilation works... but then, a few seconds later, Emacs SEGVs. emacs-nox 
> does the same but without the delay.
> I've tried Emacs versions 27.2-1, 28.0.60-1.f7e6c199bf, and 27.1. Then, in 
> case it was gcc doing something naughty, I changed that from version 11.2.0 
> to 10.2.0-1. Same problem all the way. Running gcc from the terminal emulator 
> works (but then I don't get to use Emacs' M-x ` and the like).
> I'm using 64-bit Windows 7 Pro [blush]. Is it still supposed to work on that? 
> I don't seem to have a problem with a laptop running Windows 10.
> `uname -r` returns 3.3.4(0.341/5/3).
> I've spent a few hours looking at the mailing list archives (probably 
> incompetently) and Googling, without success.

Perhaps this is the same issue with:
which is already fixed in cygwin git head.

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>

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