Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote: ----------------->>>> Make an ssh connection to the remote machine with the -X option. Echo $DISPLAY and if you don't see something like "localhost:10.0" then the ssh daemon is not configured for tunneling X.
The ssh daemon allocates local virtual displays 10 and upper for X tunneling. ----------------->>>> I didn't have to set the display option in any of my ssh (RH Linux, SuSE Linux, and CygWin) implementations. The x system seems to take care of it. However in CygWin x forwarding is not on by default so you have to use the command line -X option to forward. I think cygwin XFree86 actually sets this to DISPLAY=:0.0 (RH XF86 sets it to DISPLAY=:0) which then along with the -X allows forwarding. If DISPLAY isn't set by x (or you set it to "" to test in my case) then ssh (?) defaults to localhost:10.0 which in my case fails. So it seems the XFree86 does it right. -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ: