On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 12:38:34PM -0700, L A Walsh wrote:
> On 2022/03/21 08:09, Ken Brown wrote:
> > 
> > For starters, is your Cygwin installation up to date?  Cygwin's internal
> > implementation of pipes was overhauled starting with cygwin-3.3.0.
> How does one check the version of cygwin?  I've updated cygwin files this
> year,
> but if I use cygcheck -V, I only see cygwin-3.2, which looks to be from last
> year.

Unless you're doing something very odd, that implies you're running a
version that's just under a year old, and which won't include the pipe
changes Ken is referring to.

> Is that they right way to check the cygwin version?

Not really: `cygcheck -V` is just reporting the version of cygcheck that
you have installed.  That should normally match the version of the core
"cygwin" package, which also includes the cygwin1.dll library that makes
everything else possible.  However "the version of Cygwin" isn't a
meaningful concept: a Cygwin installation is made up of many parts, each
of which has its own version number.  There's more detail at

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