On 2022-03-11, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2022-03-11, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 04:55:40PM -0800, Gary Johnson wrote:

> > > So, does anyone know why is takes so much longer for bash to run the
> > > vim I built than the official Cygwin vim?  More importantly, how do
> > > I fix this?

> > - Cygwin packages built using Cygport and packaged for release will have
> >   the binaries stripped, removing debug symbols and the like and
> >   separating them into a different -debug package.  That means that the
> >   binaries that are loaded for day-to-day use are smaller, and may well
> >   mean they're faster too.
> The Cygwin vim was built with -ggdb, but I didn't look for strip and
> Cygwin's file doesn't report whether or not binaries are stripped--
> it probably can't determine that.  I'll try stripping mine.

Just a quick update:  I stripped my version and the real time for my
benchmark test dropped from 1.42 s to 0.40 s.  Still not as low as
Cygwin's vim (0.12 s), but a substantial improvement.


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