On 1/9/2022 6:11 AM, Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:
----- Original Message -----

From: "Thomas Wolff"
Date: 2022/01/09 日 17:51
Subject: Re: permission 600
Am 09.01.2022 um 07:10 schrieb Tatsuro MATSUOKA:
----- Original Message -----

From: "Marco Atzeri"
To: "cygwin> Date: 2022/01/09 日 14:39
Subject: Re: permission 600

On 09.01.2022 06:28, Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:
$ echo aaa > test.txt
$ ls -l  test.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 4 Jan  9 14:07 test.txt
$ chmod 600 test.txt
$ ls -l test.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 4 Jan  9 14:07 test.txt
it works for me

$ ls -l test.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 Marco Kein 4 Jan  9 06:35 test.txt

$ chmod 600 test.txt

$ ls -l test.txt
-rw------- 1 Marco Kein 4 Jan  9 06:35 test.txt

I suspect that having user and group called same
is the clue

Ah! Thanks!

Did you verify it by using different names?
It can hardly be an explanation by POSIX means. If so, it must be some
weird consequence of Windows-specific stuff. Maybe a workaround could be
found for cygwin?

I made another windows account and sign in PC with different user name.
But result for chmod 600 gave the same results.
I found the workaround for jupyter by readind the code of "paths.py" in jupyter.

You can find the underlying Window permissions using icacls.  Cygwin
has to set up some funky work-arounds to model some of the POSIX
permissions - the two models are substantially different.  Sometimes
clearing back to some nominal Windows permissions and applying
chmod again helps.  "setfacl -b" can help clear out permissions,
etc.  Don't forget that permissions can be inherited from the
containing directory as well.

Other people may be able to offer more specific guidance, especially
if you post the output of icacls.

Best - Eliot Moss

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