On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Soren A wrote:

> Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote around 27 Jan 2003
> > Note, too, that if you have a classpath variable in POSIX format
> > (colons and no drive letters), you'll need to use something like
> > "$(cygpath -pm "$POSIXCLASSPATH")" to convert it.
> >
> >
> > Only (_only_) Cygwin-linked code will understand the "/cygdrive/..."
> > file names.
> And also note that if you are trying to use (bash/posix-unixy) shell
> *wildcards* [ ;-) ] to pass filenames as _arguments_ to your Java class
> (program), you need to know that Java will receive them in Cygwin's
> posix format and won't grok them. The results of a shell expansion like
> this:
>    /cdv/D/goodies/babe*.jpg
> IOW, won't be formatted like
>   "/cdv/D/goodies/babe1.jpg:/cdv/D/goodies/babe2.jpg:[...]"
> but instead just as plain list of space-separated filespecs. AFAIK,
> `cygpath' cannot help you there (corrections will come as a surprise but
> are welcome, "cygpath" gurus). Of course a little more elaborate
> shell-wrapper magic might hack you a way out of that problem, robustness
> and speed-performance are likely to be lacking, tho.
> So if you run into this trouble you might want to go download my Java
> class "CygwinShellInterface", written to translate Cygwin's posix
> filenames into Win32 ones that Java understands:
>   http://home.att.net/~perlspinr/framesets/cygwininfo_frmset.html
> Or re-invent that wheel, your choice ;-)
>   Soren A

Why, one doesn't have to be a "cygpath" guru at all!  A little judicious
application of sed, and you can turn a space-separated path into a
colon-separated one.  Which reduces the problem to the one already
solved... ;-)

Seriously, though, you could use something like
        "`/bin/ls /cdv/D/goodies/babe*.jpg | cygpath -w -f -`"
as the argument.  This should expand all the files.

It would certainly be a good idea to add multiple filename capability to
cygpath.  If I have time over the next week, I'll submit a patch.
      |\      _,,,---,,_                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           Igor Pechtchanski
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

Oh, boy, virtual memory! Now I'm gonna make myself a really *big* RAMdisk!
  -- /usr/games/fortune

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