On Oct 26 18:52, Michel LaBarre wrote:
> Corinna , thank you for the heads up regarding subsequent updates wrt Window
> 7.
> Would it be possible to create a short "how-to" for installing the most
> recently "known-to-work-with-Windows-7" version of Cygwin (presuming that
> old versions remain accessible indefinitely...).  Alternately, how one can
> download a repository now that is compatible with Windows 7 and useable for
> installing Cygwin in anticipation of the upcoming loss of support.

No hurry.  As I wrote, 3.4.0 in 2022 will be the last version we support
on W7.  That doesn't mean Cygwin will immediately stop working on W7, we
just won't make concessions for W7 anymore in later versions than 3.4.x.
If you can reproduce a bug in 3.4.x, make sure to reproduce it on W8.1
or W10/11.


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