> I have socat and the same version on Linux.
> When I try to create a forking UDP server, only the first client is served, 
> unlike in Linux where subsequent clients are served properly.
> Test case. Terminal 1:
>     socat -v UDP-LISTEN:12345,reuseaddr,fork SYSTEM:"stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 sed 
> s/././g"
> Terminal 2
>     ( ( date; sleep 10 ) | socat UDP: - & sleep 1; date | 
> socat UDP: - )
> Expected output in Terminal 2:
>     ...............................
>     ...............................
> Actual:
>     ...............................
> Reproducible: amd64, x86, Windows 10, Windows 7

Thanks for reporting. Unfortunately, I have no insight into what might
cause that fault in Cygwin. socat in Cygwin is compiled OOTB, with no
patches. Any debugging or patches would be welcome. Andrew

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