If I remove the PS1 variable setting in /etc/profile,
the problem goes away. But my prompt becomes
"bash-2.05b$" instead of the current directory I'm in.
And I checked /etc/passwd file, I didn't see any
/bin/sh, they are all /bin/bash. So I didn't change
that file.
And then I found out that the problem is in the startx
script. If I change the first line from "#!bin/sh" to
"#!bin/bash", and leave the PS1 setting as it was in
/etc/profile, I got my informative prompt back in
Cygwin window while the annoying code in X-window's
terminals went away. Yeah~~~~~!
Thanks for your help!

> You're running /bin/sh as your shell but have bash
> specific escape sequences in your prompt.  Change
> your
> prompt (/etc/profile, ~/.profile, etc) or change
> your
> shell (/etc/passwd) to /bin/bash.
> Larry
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Quan Ding [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 09:42:16 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: strange characters in Xterm (in X-window)
> After I started x-windows. There are strange extra
> characters on the top of every window (login, 
> xterm)
> which look like the following:
> \[\033]0;\w\007
> \022[32m\]\u@\h \[\033[33m\w\033[0m\]
> These two lines will show up again after each
> command
> I execute in the xterm window.
> They look like terminal control code, but how and
> why
> are they displayed in my window? And how do I get
> rid
> of them?
> BTW, although I'm using the English verison of
> WindowsXP, I set the region (in control panel) to
> China to be able to view and input Chinese.
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