On 7/1/2021 8:15 AM, Ruurd Beerstra via Cygwin wrote:
I am a long-time user and fan of Cygwin.
I use it in a complex build environment of my IVT SSH terminal emulator, some
300.000 lines of C-code with lots of little shell-scripts to build and check.
I use flex/bison, ctags, make, gawk, grep and a bunch of other Cygwin utilities.
I bought a new PC and decided to to a clean-install of Cygwin to make sure I had
the latest version of everything.
I ran into various problems, which after checking I found to be bugs in Cygwin
(a first for me). So I'm reporting them here.
The first problem I ran into was that multiple-pipe commands would hang. A
command like this in a CMD file:
grep -E "^RUNCMD=|^MAKE=" makefile | sed -e "s/RUNCMD=//" -e "s/^MAKE=/set &/" >
would hang. So would stuff like "cat ... | sort | uniq" style commands that I
use a lot.
I found a patch (cygwin1-20210426.dll) with an updated cygwin1.dll. That fixed
the hangs.
My 'uname -r' now reports 3.2.1s(0.340/5/3)
But then one of my scripts ran into a weird problem:
mv: 'allfcn.f.tmp' and 'allfcn.f' are the same file
gmake: *** [../make.w32:438: allfcn.f] Error 1
This is produced by this bit of code:
gawk -F~ -v outfile=$2 -f ../tools/format.awk
tr -d '\r' < $2 > $2.tmp
mv $2.tmp $2
Where $2 is "alfcn.f". The GAWK produces a nicely formatted file "allfcn.f",
which contains unwanted \r characters which are removed by the 'tr' command.
This has worked for 20+ years this way. The 'mv' complains that the source and
target are the same. Using ls -i I see this weirdness:
i:\ivt\work>ls -li allfcn*
281474977027142 -rw-r--r--+ 1 ruurd ruurd 8192 Jul 1 12:30 allfcn.f
281474977027142 -rw-r--r--+ 1 ruurd ruurd 8192 Jul 1 12:30 allfcn.f.tmp
The inode numbers are the same! Which is why it thinks the files are the same.
Using 'cmp' on them tells me they differ, though.
So I insert an 'rm' command of the TMP file and that problem goes away (though
it didn't sit well with me that the file size is exactly 8KB for both files, as
reported by ls).
But then the build complained again:
The following keywords are NOT documented in doc/all*.e:
See file undoc.keywords
gmake: *** [../make.w32:272: ivt.exe] Error 1
That is produced by this bit of code which warns me if I introduce a new feature
in IVT without documenting it:
if [[ -s undoc.keywords ]]
echo "The following keywords are NOT documented in doc/all*.e:"
cat undoc.keywords
echo "See file undoc.keywords"
So I look at the file:
i:\ivt>ls -l undoc.keywords
-rw-r--r--+ 1 ruurd ruurd 8192 Jul 1 13:05 undoc.keywords
Hmm: Same 8KB again? That file is supposed to be 0 bytes! Check with DIR:
i:\ivt>dir undoc.keywords
Volume in drive I is Windows
Volume Serial Number is 2237-3266
Directory of i:\ivt
01/07/2021 13:11 0 undoc.keywords
1 File(s) 0 bytes
0 Dir(s) 383.936.823.296 bytes free
It IS zero bytes! But Cygwin shows it as 8KB, which is why the "-s" operator
says the file is not empty.
i:\ivt>stat undoc.sh
File: undoc.sh
Size: 8192 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 65536 regular file
Device: 22373266h/574042726d Inode: 281474977027142 Links: 1
Access: (0700/-rwx------) Uid: (197609/ ruurd) Gid: (197609/ ruurd)
Access: 2021-07-01 13:12:46.247988400 +0200
Modify: 2021-07-01 13:05:55.035592600 +0200
Change: 2021-07-01 13:05:55.035592600 +0200
Birth: 2021-06-30 13:59:31.554377500 +0200
Hmm. Again, the EXACT same inode number as with the earlier problem, the same
8KB size.
I restored my original Cygwin setup from the old laptop (as c:\Cygwin64.old) and
use the commands from there on the same file:
i:\ivt>stat undoc.keywords
File: undoc.keywords
Size: 8192 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 65536 regular file
Device: 22373266h/574042726d Inode: 281474977027142 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: (197609/ ruurd) Gid: (197609/ ruurd)
Access: 2021-07-01 13:58:23.261901700 +0200
Modify: 2021-07-01 13:43:34.833286000 +0200
Change: 2021-07-01 13:43:34.833286000 +0200
Birth: 2021-06-30 13:59:31.554377500 +0200
i:\ivt>c:\cygwin64.old\bin\stat undoc.keywords
File: undoc.keywords
Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 65536 regular empty file
Device: 22373266h/574042726d Inode: 1970324837303561 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: (197609/ ruurd) Gid: (197609/ ruurd)
Access: 2021-07-01 13:11:03.478267900 +0200
Modify: 2021-07-01 13:11:03.478267900 +0200
Change: 2021-07-01 13:11:03.478267900 +0200
Birth: 2021-07-01 13:06:51.255125100 +0200
Note the wrong (changing) times when I use the current 'stat' (the first output
is not the same as the 2nd one), while the old version consistently reports
correct times, size and inode number. A quick test shows that the 'ls' command
(I assume caused by the underlying stat(2) call) reports the same inode number
for ALL files.
It also reports either a size of "0" or 8192 for ALL files.
Can you tell us something about i:\ivt so that someone could try to reproduce
the problem? What kind of drive is i:? Does the path "i:\ivt" by any chance
involve native symlinks or junctions?
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