On 08.06.2021 14:37, L A Walsh wrote:
On 2021/06/06 23:59, Mike Kaganski via Cygwin wrote:
Running Cygwin 3.1.7-1 on Windows 10 Version 21H1 (OS Build 
19043.985), I have this issue:
when I start Cygwin's Python, I have correct time reported:

But running Python for Windows (it doesn't matter which, specifically for the test I used the one from MS Store [1]), I have incorrect local time
Why are you reporting a problem in Windows-Python on a cygwin
list, especially when the cygwin python runs correctly? Admittedly
I'd be more interested to know what happened in perl, but doubt
MS wants to try supporting that can of worms.


Anyway, I assume you reported it here just to amuse cygwin users
at MS's Win-Python?  ;-)
No, I report a problem that a native program runs incorrectly *under 
Cygwin*, because Cygwin is indeed part of the picture, and being not a 
prophet, I can't know in advance if the actual bug lies in Windows, in 
Python, or in Cygwin interaction with them. And I assume that Cygwin is 
not declaring that its users "must never run native applications from 
Cygwin", so I find that passage above inappropriate and off-topic.
Though as to why -- likely the windows version is getting time zone
clues + correction from BOTH cygwin and Windows, like it's told its
in a TZ that is at 1 time, while Windows feeds it other data that
says it is 2 hours off from the default.
Maybe. It's OK if no one here knows the reason - I of course don't expect anyone here obliged to give an answer. My question was intended to ask if someone (e.g., a Cygwin dev) somehow can see the problem from their expertise, and - maybe - even know how to fix it. Maybe there's some technique how to workaround this problem - and even if it's not a Cygwin's bug, it still could be useful for Cygwin users, hence still the post to the list, accompanied by someone's workaround, would be reasonable and useful.


Best regards,

Mike Kaganski

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