Greetings, Lemures Lemniscati via Cygwin-announce via Cygwin! > The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:
> * lua-5.3.6-2 > * liblua5.3-5.3.6-2 > * liblua-devel-5.3.6-2 > * lua-5.3.6-2-src > * lua-debuginfo-5.3.6-2 > Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for extending > applications. Lua is also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone > language. > -- > This is an update to the upstream release 5.3.6 with some bug-fix > patches: > > > In this cygwin update, some files come with version number: > e.g: lua5.3.exe, which is symlinked from lua by alternatives. 2021/05/29 18:02:19 running: C:\Programs\Cygwin_64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" bash.exe: warning: could not find /tmp, please create! failed to read link /usr/bin/lua: No such file or directory failed to link /usr/bin/lua -> /etc/alternatives/lua: No such file or directory failed to link /usr/bin/luac -> /etc/alternatives/luac: No such file or directory failed to link /usr/lib/liblua.dll.a -> /etc/alternatives/liblua.dll.a: No such file or directory failed to link /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lua.pc -> /etc/alternatives/lua.pc: No such file or directory failed to link /usr/share/man/man1/lua.1.gz -> /etc/alternatives/lua.1.gz: No such file or directory failed to link /usr/share/man/man1/luac.1.gz -> /etc/alternatives/luac.1.gz: No such file or directory 2021/05/29 18:02:19 abnormal exit: exit code=2 $ cygcheck -vf /etc/postinstall/ /etc/postinstall/ found in package lua-5.3.6-2 -- With best regards, Andrey Repin Saturday, May 29, 2021 10:01:15 Sorry for my terrible english... -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: