Michael Wild via Cygwin-announce via Cygwin writes:
> The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:
> * tmux-3.2-0
General releases should be numbered starting with 1.

The mosh test suite breaks with this release (the same build tests OK
again with tmux-3.1b), apparently because it is using control mode to
test that zmux actually works and something seems to have changed there
(the command line is 'tmux -C new-session true').  The symptom is that
the whole test just hangs with absolutely no activity until I kill tmux,
at which point the expected output from the control mode session does
seem to appear (except with a return code of 99).

Is the control mode working as intended and if yes, is there a way to
get the old behaviour back that did send the output block to stdout and
then terminated?

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