On 4/15/2021 11:01 AM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:
On 4/15/2021 9:15 AM, sten.kristian.ivars...@gmail.com wrote:

I tried SOCK_STREAM (and SOCK_SEQPACKET I think) for CYGWIN 3.2.0 but
that didn't work at all

As far as I understand, both all types on pretty much all
implementations preserves message ordering though

I haven't tried SOCK_STREAM and/or SOCK_SEQPACKET with the
topic/af_unix-branch. Is that worth a try ?

SOCK_STREAM is definitely worth a try.  The implementation of that should be
much more reliable than the implementation of SOCK_DGRAM at the
moment.  We don't implement SOCK_SEQPACKET.

It might be a complete rewrite of our semantics though, because it's connection based and allows just one writer on each "channel" and messages (chunks) cannot be handled "atomically"

In that case, let's try to get the DGRAM case to work.

I decided to (finally) dig into the AF_UNIX implementation on the master branch and try to understand why DGRAM sockets are unreliable. I think the answer is simply that Cygwin implements AF_UNIX sockets using Windows AF_INET sockets, and DGRAM sockets in this setting are documented to be unreliable. It appears that if too much is written without anything being read, the Windows WSASendTo function simply drops messages without giving any error.

Unfortunately, switching to native Windows AF_UNIX sockets wouldn't help, because they don't support DGRAM sockets.

I'm going to follow up on cygwin-developers.


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