Hi Takashi,

On Apr 21 12:04, Takashi Yano via Cygwin wrote:
> Hi Corinna,
> I noticed the problem that /cygdrive/c/Windows/System32 directory
> can be no longer accessed from 32 bit cygwin (WOW64) after the
> commit:
The problem here is the File System Redirector,

This thing is really a problem because it break every, otherwise
sane assumption.  Hmm, bummer.  I need some time to think about
a solution here.


> commit 456c3a46386f38887407603b2c64b7f63a4871c5
> Author: Corinna Vinschen <cori...@vinschen.de>
> Date:   Mon Apr 19 14:49:14 2021 +0200
>     Cygwin: path_conv: Try to handle native symlinks more sanely
>     For local paths, add a check if the inner path components contain native
>     symlinks or junctions.  Compare the incoming path with the path returned
>     by NtQueryInformationFile(FileNameInformation).  If they differ, there
>     must be at least one native symlink or junction in the path.  If so,
>     treat the currently evaluated file as non-existant.  This forces
>     path_conv::check to backtrack inner path components until we eliminated
>     all native symlinks or junctions and have a normalized path.
>     Signed-off-by: Corinna Vinschen <cori...@vinschen.de>
> Reverting this commit resolves the issue.
> 64 bit cygwin does not seem to be affected. Could you please
> have a look?
> -- 
> Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>
> -- 
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