On Thu, 8 Apr 2021 18:30:25 +0200
Morten Kjærulff wrote:
> Could it be a codepage issue?


What does chcp.com say in command prompt and in mintty?

In cygwin 3.2.0, the codepage, when pseudo console is disabled,
has been changed from the default codepage of the system to
UTF-8 (65001). If pseudo console is disabled in your environment
for some reason, this can affect.

Please try to change the codepage using chcp.com to the default
codepage of the system.

The default codepage of the system is used also when the
pseudo console is activated, so if possible, I recomend to
enable it somehow.

The reason why pseudo console is disabled, can be one of:
- The system is older than Win10 1809.
- disable_pcon is set in environment variable CYGWIN.
- Terminal does not have enough capability to enable it. (e.g. TERM=dumb)
- The "Legacy console" mode is enabled.

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>
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