On 2021-04-02, Thomas Wolff wrote:

> Note that if you do this within mintty, you will lose a subtle part of the
> terminal features by the Windows ConPTY terminal emulation enforced in this
> case.

I've just tested Midnight Commander, vim, aptitude, than the same all inside
tmux and the only problem I had was the color schema as I like white
background and apps chose black foreground which is hard to look at because I
made blue pretty dark (resulting in black on dark blue).

I set $TERM to "xterm-256color" in ~/.bashrc unconditionally (so no heuristics
are used by term related code).

> To avoid that, the wslbridge2 gateway should be used instead, which is
> implicitly involved when running mintty with option --WSL. I guess it would
> be useful to have wslbridge2 as a cygwin package in order to support this.

Once I tried to make wslbridge2 to work but so many hassle for unknown for me

It would be nice to have it integrated into Cygwin transparent to users if it
provides something important (in my case there weren't any blocking issues,
except color schema).


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