On 2021-03-27, Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce via Cygwin wrote:

> 7. The script /usr/bin/make-emacs-shortcut can be used to create a
>    shortcut for starting emacs.  See
>    /usr/share/doc/emacs/README.Cygwin for details.

/usr/bin/make-emacs-shortcut has:

  mkshortcut --desc="Emacs" \
    --icon="/usr/bin/emacs.ico" \
    --arguments="--display ${XMLFILE}" \
    --name="emacs" \

What is /usr/bin/run2.exe? I don't have it on my system.

PS I'm using:

  cygstart --action=runas run emacs-w32

with Windows developer mode on to avoid console window ("run" utility) and
elevated ("cygstart --action=runas") to be able to edit
$WINDIR/system32/etc/hosts from Emacs (otherwise I have to launch elevated
Notepad xD).


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