Am 16.02.2021 um 07:20 schrieb Brian Inglis:
On 2021-02-15 22:48, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin wrote:
On 16.02.2021 03:17, L A Walsh wrote:
On 2021/02/14 16:05, Takashi Yano wrote:
On Sun, 14 Feb 2021 12:44:32 -0800
L A Walsh wrote:
showsize () {\
  declare s=$(stty size); s="(${s// /x})"  ;\
  printf "%s" "$s${s//?/$'\b'}"       ;\
}; export -f showsize

trap showsize SIGWINCH
I have a similar trap in my .bashrc and it's being triggered when running bash from either cmd (conhost) or Windows Terminal and resizing them. Did I miss something in this issue?

What do you mean by "reset LINES/COLUMNS"? I am not sure what
is the behaviour diffrence in Linux and cygwin you mentioned.

     Actually not sure I can reproduce this now.  The only
thing I am noticing is that if bash is attached to /dev/pts3
(as in mintty), it works, but if attached to /dev/cons0 (as in
cmd.exe), nothing works as no signal is propagated from
the window resize to running program.

     AFAIK, though, that's always been one of multiple probs in using windows cmd with a bash shell.

maybe this is waht you are looking for:

# This causes bash to check the terminal size after every command
# and adjusts $LINES and $COLUMNS to the correct values.
shopt -s checkwinsize

Newer bash man pages say this is the default; set in my .bashrc so I can't tell; bash man pages also say COLUNS and LINES are set on SIGWINCH if interactive:

$ man bash | egrep -A1 'COLUMNS|LINES|checkwinsize'
    Used by the select compound command to determine the terminal width when     printing selection lists. Automatically set if the checkwinsize option
    is enabled or in an interactive shell upon receipt of a SIGWINCH.
LINES    Used by the select compound command to determine the column length for     printing selection lists. Automatically set if the checkwinsize option
    is enabled or in an interactive shell upon receipt of a SIGWINCH.
    If set, bash checks the window size after each command and, if
    necessary, updates the values of LINES and COLUMNS.

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