On 15/01/2021 12:28, Lemke, Michael SF/HZA-ZIC2 wrote:
I just installed a fresh copy of Cygwin and gdb with setup-x86_64.exe.
However, gdb does not produce any output.

Installing gdb versions 7.9.1-1 and 7.10.1-1 work, anything newer doesn't.
Any ideas why?

Install gdb 7.12.1-2
  pc> gdb -v
Install gdb 8.0.1-1
  pc> gdb -v
  pc> cygcheck -c gdb
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
gdb                  8.0.1-1        OK

You might try 'strace gdb' and see if that sheds any light on what's failing.

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