Hello Brian,

  >Seems to have been reported a few times with Windows Russian and fix 
  >was "chcp 1252" (which might not be too useful for many Russians), as there 
  >be encoding conversion bugs with UTF-8.
  Why  not  just switch a console to TrueType font like Lucida Console
  or installed Consolas font from Visual Studio?

  You  even can install, for example, vectorized raster variant of the
  Fixedsys/Terminal font like TerminalVectorized font: 
  (Simply  click  on  font,  press install button and restart console.
  Almost  looks  like the  same  Fixedsys, but has a bit different `0`

  Or  install  another  not  vectorized raster variant, like, Terminus
  font: http://terminus-font.sourceforge.net
  (not sure how to replace, not found a solution on the internet)

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