Initial conditions:
0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ rm testfile
0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ touch testfile
0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ chmod = testfile
0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ ls -l testfile
---------- 1 kaz kaz 0 Dec 24 13:23 testfile
Now, light up all the bits, like a Christmas tree---appropriate
for December 24:
0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ chmod ugo+rwxs testfile
0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ ls -l testfile
-rwsrwsrwx 1 kaz kaz 0 Dec 24 13:23 testfile
Well, almost all the bits: I didn't add "t", but it makes
no difference. Anyway, so far, so good. Now, punch a hole in
the group permissions:
0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ ls -l testfile
-rws---rwx+ 1 kaz kaz 0 Dec 24 13:23 testfile
No idea what that + is hinting at, which indicates a problem.
But the group perms did get masked out. Let's keep going to the
main problem: repeat the second step to turn on all the bits:
0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ chmod ugo+rwxs testfile
0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ ls -l testfile
-rws--Srwx+ 1 kaz kaz 0 Dec 24 13:23 testfile
What??? The expected perms are "-rwsrwsrwx". It did not set the group
or write at all, and that funny + is still hanging around.
This test case worked on Cygwin 2.5 on Win 7.
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