Hi Jim,
Jim Bell wrote:
On 2020-11-21 5:59 AM, Jim Bell wrote:
The standard python asyncio tests hang.
cd /usr/lib/python3.8/test
python3.8 test_asyncore.py -v
Using strace, stripping down this very repeatable test, and grabbing the
source-code snapshot, it looks like winsup/cygwin/select.cc socket_cleanup() is
waiting forever for the thread to go away.
121 6732185 [main] python3.8 13329 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup
178 6732363 [main] python3.8 13329 socket_cleanup: si 0x800290E10 si->thread 0
But I don't see the select_printf("returning") at select.cc:1808, so the
si->thread->detach() call seems to be blocked forever. I don't see that we make
it here either:
select.cc:1685 select_printf ("leaving thread_socket");
I see a bool stop_thread field in select_info, inherited by select_socket_info
(select.h), used by other mechanisms. Seems that could be set by socket_cleanup()
and used by thread_socket() to break out of its event loops (select.cc lines 1660
and 1667)
Thanks for the report and especially for the initial debugging you've done. I've
reproduced the issue on my test machine. No need to supply 'cygcheck -svr' at
this point. I'll investigate this further and keep you posted (on the Cygwin
mailing list).
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