On 11/30/2020 10:06 AM, Keith Christian via Cygwin (cygwin@cygwin.com)
> I downloaded the .tar.gz of C-Kermit 9.0.305 Alpha.02, 19 September 2020.
> Web page: http://www.kermitproject.org/ckdaily.html
> Source download: http://www.kermitproject.org/ftp/kermit/test/tar/x.tar.gz
> I realize that C-Kermit has not been in the Cygwin distribution for
> awhile.  There is no "cygwin" target in the makefile in the x.tar.gz
> source distribution.
> Is there any guidance for how to compile this modern version of
> C-Kermit for present-day Cygwin?
> Thanks.

I suspect building C-Kermit with SSH, OpenSSL, Kerberos v5 support is
going to be problematic since none of that code has been updated in more
than a decade to keep up with the latest upstream packages.  I suggest
you start by trying to build for a generic linux target without any
security features.

Jeffrey Altman
former Kermit developer

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