On 2020-11-26, Eliot Moss wrote:

> Lacks UI?  You can run X windows applications in WSL if you have the Cygwin X 
> server running :-) ...
> then you get the X UI.  I can certainly run xterm and emacs that way.
I don't need 2 Emacs instances around. Cygwin's Emacs W32 (with native W32 GUI
widgets!) is the only my Emacs on Windows.

I run Emacs server so a visited file list is kept in a one place... It is a
part of my workflow (like quick switching to earlier visited files by fuzzy
name matching/etc).

And not to mention it is extra mental load to pass that DISPLAY=:0 or whatever

I believe that X server under Windows is only to write cool blog posts, that
we are able to run "xterm" ))

Thanks god Cygwin is able to mount WSL's roots via P9 network file system.

PS. As you haven't CCed me I had to check GNUS + Gmane again. Haven't read
news for 3 years, found out that Lars Ingebrigtsen fucked up with domain


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