El 26/11/20 a les 17:31, Ken Brown ha escrit:
[Please don't top-post on this list.]

On 11/26/2020 10:51 AM, Rafel Amer Ramon wrote:


I get the same error with the bash terminal and directory /usr/local/src

libtool: link: (cd .libs/libgengetopt.lax/libgnu.a && ar x "/usr/lacal/src/gengetopt-2.23/src/../gl/.libs/libgnu.a")

libtool: error: object name conflicts in archive: .libs/libgengetopt.lax/libgnu.a//usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src/../gl/.libs/libgnu.a

OK, my guess was wrong.

I downloaded and built the package on my system without a problem, so something specific to your setup is causing this.  Do you see anything suspicious earlier in the build?  You might try capturing a log of the build and sending it as an attachment to see if anyone here spots anything.  Also, please follow the problem-reporting guide at https://cygwin.com/problems.html, including the part about sending cygcheck output (as an attachment).



I can't see anything strange. I attach the file cygcheck.out (cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out),
and the file make.out (make > make.out 2>&1)


Rafel Amer

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Thu Nov 26 17:52:20 2020

Windows 10 Ver 10.0 Build 17763 

Path:   C:\Program Files\Python39\Scripts
        C:\Program Files\Python39
        C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin
        C:\Users\Rafel Amer\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps
        C:\Users\Rafel Amer\AppData\Local\atom\bin

Output from C:\cygwin64\bin\id.exe
UID: 197609(Rafel Amer)                GID: 197121(Ninguno)
197121(Ninguno)                        545(Usuarios)
4(INTERACTIVE)                         66049(INICIO DE SESIÓN EN LA CONSOLA)
11(Usuarios autentificados)            15(Esta compañía)
113(Cuenta local)                      4095(CurrentSession)
66048(LOCAL)                           262154(Autenticación NTLM)
401408(Nivel obligatorio medio)

SysDir: C:\Windows\system32
WinDir: C:\Windows

PWD = '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23'
HOME = '/home/Rafel Amer'
CYGWIN = 'nodosfilewarning'

OS = 'Windows_NT'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
PSModulePath = 'C:\Program 
CommonProgramW6432 = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
CommonProgramFiles(x86) = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files'
PUBLIC = 'C:\Users\Public'
OLDPWD = '/usr/local/src'
USERNAME = 'Rafel Amer'
LOCALAPPDATA = 'C:\Users\Rafel Amer\AppData\Local'
!:: = '::\'
USERPROFILE = 'C:\Users\Rafel Amer'
SYSTEMROOT = 'C:\Windows'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = 'AMD64 Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0, AuthenticAMD'
TMP = '/cygdrive/c/Users/RAFELA~1/AppData/Local/Temp'
ProgramW6432 = 'C:\Program Files'
COMSPEC = 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe'
APPDATA = 'C:\Users\Rafel Amer\AppData\Roaming'
TERM = 'xterm-256color'
WINDIR = 'C:\Windows'
ProgramData = 'C:\ProgramData'
SHLVL = '1'
PROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files'
TEMP = '/cygdrive/c/Users/RAFELA~1/AppData/Local/Temp'
DriverData = 'C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData'
ProgramFiles(x86) = 'C:\Program Files (x86)'
HOMEPATH = '\Users\Rafel Amer'
EXECIGNORE = '*.dll'
_ = '/usr/bin/cygcheck'

  (default) = '\??\C:\cygwin64'
  (default) = '\??\C:\cygwin64'
  (default) = 'C:\cygwin64'
  (default) = 0xffffff00

obcaseinsensitive set to 1

Cygwin installations found in the registry:
  System: Key: e022582115c10879 Path: C:\cygwin64
  User:   Key: e022582115c10879 Path: C:\cygwin64

c:  hd  NTFS     50648Mb  56% CP CS UN PA FC    QU  
d:  cd             N/A    N/A                       

C:\cygwin64      /          system  binary,auto
C:\cygwin64\bin  /usr/bin   system  binary,auto
C:\cygwin64\lib  /usr/lib   system  binary,auto
cygdrive prefix  /cygdrive  user    binary,posix=0,auto

Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\awk
 -> C:\cygwin64\bin\gawk.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe
Warning: C:\Windows\system32\bash.exe hides C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\cat.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\certutil.exe
Not Found: clinfo
Found: C:\Windows\system32\comp.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\convert.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\cp.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\cpp.exe
Not Found: crontab
Found: C:\Windows\system32\curl.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\expand.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\expand.exe
Warning: C:\Windows\system32\expand.exe hides C:\cygwin64\bin\expand.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\find.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\find.exe
Warning: C:\Windows\system32\find.exe hides C:\cygwin64\bin\find.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\ftp.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\gcc.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\gdb.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\grep.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\hostname.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\hostname.exe
Warning: C:\Windows\system32\hostname.exe hides C:\cygwin64\bin\hostname.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\kill.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\klist.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\ld.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\ls.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\make.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\mv.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\nslookup.exe
Not Found: patch
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\perl.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\replace.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\rm.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\sed.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\sh.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\shutdown.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\sort.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\sort.exe
Warning: C:\Windows\system32\sort.exe hides C:\cygwin64\bin\sort.exe
Found: C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\ssh.exe
Warning: C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe hides C:\cygwin64\bin\ssh.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\tar.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\tar.exe
Warning: C:\Windows\system32\tar.exe hides C:\cygwin64\bin\tar.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\test.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\timeout.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\timeout.exe
Warning: C:\Windows\system32\timeout.exe hides C:\cygwin64\bin\timeout.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\vi.exe
Not Found: vim
Found: C:\Windows\system32\whoami.exe
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\whoami.exe
Warning: C:\Windows\system32\whoami.exe hides C:\cygwin64\bin\whoami.exe

   39k 2016/09/19 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygargp-0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygargp-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2016-09-19 03:13
   29k 2020/09/12 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygatomic-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygatomic-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-09-12 15:32
   19k 2018/12/20 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygattr-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygattr-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-12-20 10:48
  254k 2020/03/31 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygblkid-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygblkid-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-03-28 06:22
  892k 2018/04/09 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygboost_regex-1_66.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 
                  "cygboost_regex-1_66.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-04-09 21:30
  132k 2020/10/10 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygbrotlicommon-1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygbrotlicommon-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-10-10 16:20
   46k 2020/10/10 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygbrotlidec-1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygbrotlidec-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-10-10 16:21
   66k 2019/07/21 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygbz2-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygbz2-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-22 01:05
   42k 2020/02/17 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygcbor-0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygcbor-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-02-17 13:04
   13k 2019/01/02 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygcom_err-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygcom_err-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-01-02 03:39
  194k 2019/04/03 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygcrypt-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygcrypt-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-04-03 23:05
 2363k 2019/09/11 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygcrypto-1.0.0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygcrypto-1.0.0.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-09-11 19:40
 2451k 2020/04/08 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygcrypto-1.1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygcrypto-1.1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-04-08 13:11
  624k 2020/10/18 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygcurl-4.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygcurl-4.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-10-17 18:14
 1552k 2017/09/28 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygdb-5.3.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygdb-5.3.dll" v0.0 ts=2017-09-28 21:05
  119k 2017/09/28 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygdb_cxx-5.3.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygdb_cxx-5.3.dll" v0.0 ts=2017-09-28 21:06
  569k 2017/09/28 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygdb_sql-5.3.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygdb_sql-5.3.dll" v0.0 ts=2017-09-28 21:06
  154k 2013/10/20 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygedit-0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygedit-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2013-10-20 22:56
  181k 2018/09/27 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygexpat-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygexpat-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-09-27 19:30
  353k 2020/03/31 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygfdisk-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygfdisk-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-03-28 06:23
   27k 2015/11/17 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygffi-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygffi-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2015-11-17 23:14
  136k 2020/10/20 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygfido2-1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.5 sys=5.2
                  "cygfido2-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-10-20 20:25
  251k 2020/09/13 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygfontconfig-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygfontconfig-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-09-13 17:50
   56k 2019/07/28 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygformw-10.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygformw-10.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-28 18:33
  704k 2020/10/23 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygfreetype-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygfreetype-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-10-23 16:31
  137k 2019/03/29 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyggc-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyggc-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-03-29 22:16
   72k 2020/09/12 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-09-12 15:20
   46k 2019/07/10 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyggdbm-4.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyggdbm-4.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-10 16:06
   49k 2019/07/10 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyggdbm-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyggdbm-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-10 15:53
   13k 2019/07/10 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyggdbm_compat-4.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyggdbm_compat-4.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-10 15:53
  580k 2020/11/16 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyggmp-10.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyggmp-10.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-11-16 19:53
  206k 2020/09/12 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyggomp-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyggomp-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-09-12 15:21
12347k 2020/10/15 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyggs-9.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyggs-9.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-10-15 18:09
  274k 2018/03/16 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyggssapi_krb5-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyggssapi_krb5-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-03-16 03:38
 1070k 2020/03/13 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygguile-2.2-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygguile-2.2-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-03-08 21:47
   33k 2017/02/13 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyghistory7.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyghistory7.dll" v0.0 ts=2017-02-11 23:39
   81k 2019/09/05 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygICE-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygICE-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-09-05 22:24
 1007k 2020/07/13 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygiconv-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygiconv-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-07-13 14:57
26267k 2018/03/27 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygicudata61.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygicudata61.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-03-27 03:15
 2339k 2018/03/27 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygicui18n61.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygicui18n61.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-03-27 03:13
   47k 2018/03/27 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygicuio61.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygicuio61.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-03-27 03:13
 1506k 2018/03/27 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygicuuc61.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygicuuc61.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-03-27 03:12
  197k 2017/05/02 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygidn-11.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygidn-11.dll" v0.0 ts=2017-05-02 02:18
  114k 2019/07/29 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygidn2-0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygidn2-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-29 04:22
   42k 2016/10/23 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygintl-8.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygintl-8.dll" v0.0 ts=2016-10-23 08:17
 1560k 2020/03/01 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygisl-22.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygisl-22.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-03-01 17:46
  288k 2017/09/25 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygjasper-4.dll - os=4.0 img=4.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygjasper-4.dll" v0.0 ts=2017-09-25 03:39
   48k 2014/06/17 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygjbig-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygjbig-2.dll" v0.0 ts=1970-01-01 01:00
   18k 2014/06/17 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygjbig85-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygjbig85-2.dll" v0.0 ts=1970-01-01 01:00
  419k 2017/12/18 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygjpeg-8.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygjpeg-8.dll" v0.0 ts=2017-12-18 03:41
  192k 2018/03/16 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygk5crypto-3.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygk5crypto-3.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-03-16 03:37
  754k 2018/03/16 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygkrb5-3.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygkrb5-3.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-03-16 03:37
   37k 2018/03/16 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygkrb5support-0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygkrb5support-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-03-16 03:36
   48k 2020/11/14 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyglber-2-4-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyglber-2-4-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-11-14 16:44
  323k 2020/06/18 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyglcms2-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyglcms2-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-06-18 20:11
  264k 2020/11/14 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygldap-2-4-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygldap-2-4-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-11-14 16:45
  282k 2020/11/14 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygldap_r-2-4-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygldap_r-2-4-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-11-14 16:47
   35k 2019/07/28 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygltdl-7.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygltdl-7.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-28 18:44
   73k 2017/06/19 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyglz4-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyglz4-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2017-06-19 16:40
  144k 2019/07/21 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyglzma-5.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyglzma-5.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-22 01:15
  153k 2020/10/29 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygmagic-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygmagic-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-10-29 21:32
  168k 2018/01/23 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygman-2-7-6-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygman-2-7-6-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-01-23 21:22
   22k 2018/01/23 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygmandb-2-7-6-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygmandb-2-7-6-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-01-23 21:22
   28k 2019/07/28 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygmenuw-10.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygmenuw-10.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-28 18:32
  100k 2020/10/25 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygmpc-3.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygmpc-3.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-10-25 13:36
 2664k 2020/07/11 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygmpfr-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygmpfr-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-07-11 15:36
  301k 2019/07/28 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygncursesw-10.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygncursesw-10.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-28 18:30
  227k 2017/12/07 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygnetpbm-10.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygnetpbm-10.dll" v0.0 ts=2017-12-07 09:35
  144k 2019/03/27 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygnghttp2-14.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygnghttp2-14.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-03-27 04:05
 1020k 2020/03/27 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygp11-kit-0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygp11-kit-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-03-27 22:30
   14k 2019/07/28 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygpanelw-10.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygpanelw-10.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-28 18:32
   12k 2020/05/13 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygpaper-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygpaper-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-05-13 02:47
  474k 2020/03/29 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygpcre-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygpcre-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-03-29 23:34
 3398k 2020/06/07 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygperl5_30.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygperl5_30.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-06-07 10:02
   41k 2019/09/12 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygpipeline-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygpipeline-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-09-12 20:52
   53k 2020/04/06 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygpkgconf-3.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygpkgconf-3.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-04-06 18:37
  185k 2019/07/21 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygpng16-16.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygpng16-16.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-22 01:15
   41k 2016/07/13 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygpopt-0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygpopt-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2016-07-13 07:16
   65k 2019/07/21 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygpsl-5.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygpsl-5.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-21 20:18
  357k 2020/09/12 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygquadmath-0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygquadmath-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-09-12 15:32
  219k 2017/02/13 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygreadline7.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygreadline7.dll" v0.0 ts=2017-02-11 23:39
   99k 2020/01/09 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygsasl2-3.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygsasl2-3.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-01-09 03:13
   11k 2015/07/17 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygsigsegv-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygsigsegv-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2015-07-17 23:35
   29k 2019/09/05 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygSM-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
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  156k 2020/03/31 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygsmartcols-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygsmartcols-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-03-28 06:22
  733k 2018/04/12 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygsource-highlight-4.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 
                  "cygsource-highlight-4.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-04-12 02:30
 1168k 2020/07/08 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygsqlite3-0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygsqlite3-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-07-08 11:24
  156k 2016/03/02 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygssh2-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
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  408k 2019/09/11 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygssl-1.0.0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygssl-1.0.0.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-09-11 19:40
  506k 2020/04/08 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygssl-1.1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygssl-1.1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-04-08 13:12
 1676k 2020/09/12 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygstdc++-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygstdc++-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-09-12 15:26
   68k 2019/07/29 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygtasn1-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygtasn1-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-29 04:12
   57k 2019/07/28 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygticw-10.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygticw-10.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-07-28 18:31
  450k 2020/10/15 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygtiff-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygtiff-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-10-15 15:04
   12k 2020/10/15 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygtiffxx-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygtiffxx-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-10-15 15:04
 1612k 2018/08/16 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygunistring-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygunistring-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-08-16 21:33
   27k 2020/03/31 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyguuid-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cyguuid-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-03-28 06:22
  411k 2018/02/27 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygwebp-7.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygwebp-7.dll" v0.0 ts=2018-02-27 10:00
 1160k 2020/08/29 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygX11-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygX11-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-08-29 16:55
   13k 2019/09/05 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygXau-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygXau-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-09-05 19:13
  135k 2020/04/04 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygxcb-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygxcb-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-04-04 14:35
   21k 2019/09/05 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygXdmcp-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygXdmcp-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-09-05 19:29
 1238k 2020/09/11 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygxml2-2.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygxml2-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-09-11 16:37
  335k 2019/09/06 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygXt-6.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygXt-6.dll" v0.0 ts=2019-09-06 21:50
   37k 2020/09/06 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygxxhash-0.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygxxhash-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-09-07 01:04
   83k 2017/03/03 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygz.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygz.dll" v0.0 ts=2017-03-03 22:42
  737k 2020/05/24 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygzstd-1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygzstd-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-05-24 15:37
 3473k 2020/08/22 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll - os=4.0 img=0.0 sys=5.2
                  "cygwin1.dll" v0.0 ts=2020-08-22 19:49
    Cygwin DLL version info:
        DLL version: 3.1.7
        DLL epoch: 19
        DLL old termios: 5
        DLL malloc env: 28
        Cygwin conv: 181
        API major: 0
        API minor: 340
        Shared data: 5
        DLL identifier: cygwin1
        Mount registry: 3
        Cygwin registry name: Cygwin
        Installations name: Installations
        Cygdrive default prefix: 
        Build date: 
        Shared id: cygwin1S5

No Cygwin services found.

Cygwin Package Information
Last downloaded files to: C:\Users\Rafel Amer\Downloads
Last downloaded files from: 

Package                    Version                         Status
_autorebase                001007-1                        OK
alternatives               1.3.30c-10                      OK
autoconf                   13-1                            OK
autoconf2.1                2.13-12                         OK
autoconf2.5                2.69-4                          OK
automake                   11-1                            OK
automake1.10               1.10.3-3                        OK
automake1.11               1.11.6-3                        OK
automake1.12               1.12.6-3                        OK
automake1.13               1.13.4-2                        OK
automake1.14               1.14.1-3                        OK
automake1.15               1.15.1-2                        OK
automake1.16               1.16.1-1                        OK
automake1.9                1.9.6-11                        OK
base-cygwin                3.8-1                           OK
base-files                 4.3-2                           OK
bash                       4.4.12-3                        OK
bash-completion            2.7-1                           OK
binutils                   2.34+1git.de9c1b7cfe-1          OK
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bzip2                      1.0.8-1                         OK
ca-certificates            2.40-1                          OK
coreutils                  8.26-2                          OK
crypto-policies            20190218-1                      OK
csih                       0.9.11-1                        OK
cygrunsrv                  1.62-1                          OK
cygutils                   1.4.16-2                        OK
cygwin                     3.1.7-1                         OK
cygwin-devel               3.1.7-1                         OK
dash                                    OK
dejavu-fonts               2.37-1                          OK
diffutils                  3.5-2                           OK
editrights                 1.03-1                          OK
file                       5.39-1                          OK
findutils                  4.6.0-1                         OK
flex                       2.6.4-2                         OK
gawk                       5.1.0-1                         OK
gcc-core                   10.2.0-1                        OK
gcc-g++                    10.2.0-1                        OK
gcc-tools-epoch2-autoconf  2.64-2                          OK
gdb                        8.3.1-1                         OK
getent                     2.18.90-4                       OK
ghostscript                9.53.3-1                        OK
ghostscript-fonts-other    6.0-1                           OK
git                        2.29.2-1                        OK
grep                       3.0-2                           OK
groff                      1.22.4-1                        OK
gzip                       1.8-1                           OK
hostname                   3.13-1                          OK
info                       6.7-1                           OK
ipc-utils                  1.0-2                           OK
less                       551-1                           OK
libargp                    20110921-3                      OK
libatomic1                 10.2.0-1                        OK
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libblkid1                  2.33.1-2                        OK
libboost_regex1.66         1.66.0-1                        OK
libbrotlicommon1           1.0.9-1                         OK
libbrotlidec1              1.0.9-1                         OK
libbz2_1                   1.0.8-1                         OK
libcbor                    0.5.0-1                         OK
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libdb5.3                   5.3.28-2                        OK
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libfontconfig1             2.13.1-2                        OK
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libgcc1                    10.2.0-1                        OK
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libgdbm6                   1.18.1-1                        OK
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libgs9                     9.53.3-1                        OK
libgssapi_krb5_2           1.15.2-2                        OK
libguile2.2_1              2.2.7-1                         OK
libICE6                    1.0.10-1                        OK
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libiconv2                  1.16-2                          OK
libicu61                   61.1-1                          OK
libidn11                   1.33-1                          OK
libidn2_0                  2.2.0-1                         OK
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libnghttp2_14              1.37.0-1                        OK
libopenldap2_4_2           2.4.56-1                        OK
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libsigsegv2                2.10-2                          OK
libSM6                     1.2.3-1                         OK
libsmartcols1              2.33.1-2                        OK
libsource-highlight-common 3.1.8-6                         OK
libsource-highlight4       3.1.8-6                         OK
libsqlite3_0               3.32.3-1                        OK
libssh2_1                  1.7.0-1                         OK
libssl1.0                  1.0.2t-1                        OK
libssl1.1                  1.1.1f-1                        OK
libstdc++6                 10.2.0-1                        OK
libtasn1_6                 4.14-1                          OK
libtiff6                   4.1.0-1                         OK
libtool                    2.4.6-7                         OK
libunistring2              0.9.10-1                        OK
libuuid-devel              2.33.1-2                        OK
libuuid1                   2.33.1-2                        OK
libwebp7                   0.6.1-2                         OK
libX11_6                   1.6.12-1                        OK
libXau6                    1.0.9-1                         OK
libxcb1                    1.14-1                          OK
libXdmcp6                  1.1.3-1                         OK
libxml2                    2.9.10-2                        OK
libXt6                     1.2.0-1                         OK
libxxhash0                 0.8.0-1                         OK
libzstd1                   1.4.5-1                         OK
login                      1.13-1                          OK
m4                         1.4.18-1                        OK
make                       4.3-1                           OK
man-db                                  OK
mintty                     3.4.3-1                         OK
ncurses                    6.1-1.20190727                  OK
netpbm                     10.80.00-1                      OK
openssh                    8.4p1-2                         OK
openssl                    1.1.1f-1                        OK
p11-kit                    0.23.20-1                       OK
p11-kit-trust              0.23.20-1                       OK
perl                       5.30.3-1                        OK
perl-Error                 0.17029-1                       OK
perl-Scalar-List-Utils     1.55-1                          OK
perl-TermReadKey           2.38-2                          OK
perl-Test-Harness          3.42-2                          OK
perl-Unicode-Normalize     1.26-2                          OK
perl_autorebase            5.30.3-1                        OK
perl_base                  5.30.3-1                        OK
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poppler-data               0.4.9-1                         OK
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python-setuptools-wheel    41.2.0-1                        OK
python36                   3.6.10-1                        OK
rebase                     4.4.4-1                         OK
rsync                      3.2.3+20200903+git9f9240b-4     OK
run                        1.3.4-2                         OK
sed                        4.4-1                           OK
tar                        1.32-2                          OK
terminfo                   6.1-1.20190727                  OK
terminfo-extra             6.1-1.20190727                  OK
texinfo                    6.7-1                           OK
tzcode                     2020d-1                         OK
tzdata                     2020d-1                         OK
urw-base35-fonts           20170801-5                      OK
util-linux                 2.33.1-2                        OK
vim-minimal                8.2.0486-1                      OK
w32api-headers             8.0.0-1                         OK
w32api-runtime             8.0.0-1                         OK
which                      2.20-2                          OK
windows-default-manifest   6.4-1                           OK
xz                         5.2.4-1                         OK
zlib                       1.2.11-1                        OK
zlib-devel                 1.2.11-1                        OK
zlib0                      1.2.11-1                        OK
zstd                       1.4.5-1                         OK
Use -h to see help about each section

make  all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23'
Making all in gl
make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/gl'
rm -f arg-nonnull.h-t arg-nonnull.h && \
sed -n -e '/GL_ARG_NONNULL/,$p' \
  < ../build-aux/arg-nonnull.h \
  > arg-nonnull.h-t && \
mv arg-nonnull.h-t arg-nonnull.h
rm -f c++defs.h-t c++defs.h && \
sed -n -e '/_GL_CXXDEFS/,$p' \
  < ../build-aux/c++defs.h \
  > c++defs.h-t && \
mv c++defs.h-t c++defs.h
rm -f warn-on-use.h-t warn-on-use.h && \
sed -n -e '/^.ifndef/,$p' \
  < ../build-aux/warn-on-use.h \
  > warn-on-use.h-t && \
mv warn-on-use.h-t warn-on-use.h
rm -f string.h-t string.h && \
  sed -e 's|@''INCLUDE_NEXT''@|include_next|g' \
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      -e 's|@''GNULIB_MBSNLEN''@|0|g' \
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      -e 's|@''GNULIB_MBSRCHR''@|0|g' \
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      -e 's|@''GNULIB_STPNCPY''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_STRCHRNUL''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_STRDUP''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_STRNCAT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_STRNDUP''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_STRNLEN''@|0|g' \
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      -e 's|@''GNULIB_STRVERSCMP''@|0|g' \
      < ./string.in.h | \
  sed -e 's|@''HAVE_MBSLEN''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_MEMCHR''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DECL_MEMMEM''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_MEMPCPY''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DECL_MEMRCHR''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_RAWMEMCHR''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_STPCPY''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_STPNCPY''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_STRCHRNUL''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DECL_STRDUP''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DECL_STRNDUP''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DECL_STRNLEN''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_STRPBRK''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_STRSEP''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_STRCASESTR''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DECL_STRTOK_R''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DECL_STRSIGNAL''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_STRVERSCMP''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_STPNCPY''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_MEMCHR''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_MEMMEM''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_STRCASESTR''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_STRDUP''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_STRSTR''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_STRERROR''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_STRNCAT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_STRNDUP''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_STRNLEN''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_STRSIGNAL''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_STRTOK_R''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''UNDEFINE_STRTOK_R''@|0|g' \
      -e '/definitions of _GL_FUNCDECL_RPL/r c++defs.h' \
      -e '/definition of _GL_ARG_NONNULL/r arg-nonnull.h' \
      -e '/definition of _GL_WARN_ON_USE/r warn-on-use.h'; \
      < ./string.in.h; \
} > string.h-t && \
mv string.h-t string.h
rm -f unistd.h-t unistd.h && \
  sed -e 's|@''HAVE_UNISTD_H''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''INCLUDE_NEXT''@|include_next|g' \
      -e 's|@''PRAGMA_SYSTEM_HEADER''@|#pragma GCC system_header|g' \
      -e 's|@''NEXT_UNISTD_H''@|<unistd.h>|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_CHOWN''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_CLOSE''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_DUP2''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_DUP3''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_ENVIRON''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_EUIDACCESS''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_FACCESSAT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_FCHDIR''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_FCHOWNAT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_FSYNC''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_FTRUNCATE''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_GETCWD''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_GETDOMAINNAME''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_GETDTABLESIZE''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_GETGROUPS''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_GETHOSTNAME''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_GETLOGIN''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_GETLOGIN_R''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_GETPAGESIZE''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_GETUSERSHELL''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_LCHOWN''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_LINK''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_LINKAT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_LSEEK''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_PIPE2''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_PREAD''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_PWRITE''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_READLINK''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_READLINKAT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_RMDIR''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_SLEEP''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_SYMLINK''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_SYMLINKAT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_TTYNAME_R''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_UNISTD_H_GETOPT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_UNISTD_H_SIGPIPE''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_UNLINK''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_UNLINKAT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_USLEEP''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''GNULIB_WRITE''@|0|g' \
      < ./unistd.in.h | \
  sed -e 's|@''HAVE_CHOWN''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DUP2''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DUP3''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_EUIDACCESS''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_FACCESSAT''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_FCHDIR''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_FCHOWNAT''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_FSYNC''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_FTRUNCATE''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_GETDOMAINNAME''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_GETDTABLESIZE''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_GETGROUPS''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_GETHOSTNAME''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_GETLOGIN''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_GETPAGESIZE''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_LCHOWN''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_LINK''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_LINKAT''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_PIPE2''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_PREAD''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_PWRITE''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_READLINK''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_READLINKAT''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_SLEEP''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_SYMLINK''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_SYMLINKAT''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_TTYNAME_R''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_UNLINKAT''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_USLEEP''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DECL_ENVIRON''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DECL_GETLOGIN_R''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DECL_GETPAGESIZE''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_DECL_GETUSERSHELL''@|1|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_OS_H''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_CHOWN''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_CLOSE''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_DUP''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_DUP2''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_FCHOWNAT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_GETCWD''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_GETGROUPS''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_GETPAGESIZE''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_LCHOWN''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_LINK''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_LINKAT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_LSEEK''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_PREAD''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_PWRITE''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_READLINK''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_RMDIR''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_SLEEP''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_SYMLINK''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_TTYNAME_R''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_UNLINK''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_UNLINKAT''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_USLEEP''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''REPLACE_WRITE''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''UNISTD_H_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H''@|0|g' \
      -e 's|@''UNISTD_H_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H_AND_USE_SOCKETS''@|0|g' \
      -e '/definitions of _GL_FUNCDECL_RPL/r c++defs.h' \
      -e '/definition of _GL_ARG_NONNULL/r arg-nonnull.h' \
      -e '/definition of _GL_WARN_ON_USE/r warn-on-use.h'; \
} > unistd.h-t && \
mv unistd.h-t unistd.h
make  all-recursive
make[3]: Entering directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/gl'
make[4]: Entering directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/gl'
depbase=`echo dummy.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CC   --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..     
-g -O2 -MT dummy.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o dummy.lo dummy.c &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT dummy.lo -MD -MP -MF 
.deps/dummy.Tpo -c dummy.c  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/dummy.o
libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT dummy.lo -MD -MP -MF 
.deps/dummy.Tpo -c dummy.c -o dummy.o >/dev/null 2>&1
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CC   --mode=link gcc  -g -O2   -o libgnu.la  dummy.lo 
copying selected object files to avoid basename conflicts...
libtool: link: ar cr .libs/libgnu.a .libs/dummy.o
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/libgnu.a
libtool: link: rm -fr .libs/libgnu.lax
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "libgnu.la" && ln -s "../libgnu.la" 
"libgnu.la" )
make[4]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/gl'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/gl'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/gl'
Making all in src
make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src'
make  all-recursive
make[3]: Entering directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src'
Making all in skels
make[4]: Entering directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src/skels'
make  all-am
make[5]: Entering directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src/skels'
depbase=`echo c_source.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT c_source.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o c_source.lo 
c_source.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT c_source.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/c_source.Tpo -c c_source.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT c_source.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/c_source.Tpo -c c_source.cc -o c_source.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo check_modes.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT check_modes.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
check_modes.lo check_modes.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT check_modes.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/check_modes.Tpo -c check_modes.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT check_modes.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/check_modes.Tpo -c check_modes.cc -o check_modes.o >/dev/null 
depbase=`echo clear_arg.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT clear_arg.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o clear_arg.lo 
clear_arg.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT clear_arg.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/clear_arg.Tpo -c clear_arg.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT clear_arg.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/clear_arg.Tpo -c clear_arg.cc -o clear_arg.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo clear_given.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT clear_given.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
clear_given.lo clear_given.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT clear_given.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/clear_given.Tpo -c clear_given.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT clear_given.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/clear_given.Tpo -c clear_given.cc -o clear_given.o >/dev/null 
depbase=`echo copyright.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT copyright.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o copyright.lo 
copyright.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT copyright.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/copyright.Tpo -c copyright.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT copyright.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/copyright.Tpo -c copyright.cc -o copyright.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo custom_getopt_gen.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT custom_getopt_gen.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
custom_getopt_gen.lo custom_getopt_gen.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
custom_getopt_gen.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/custom_getopt_gen.Tpo -c 
custom_getopt_gen.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/custom_getopt_gen.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
custom_getopt_gen.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/custom_getopt_gen.Tpo -c 
custom_getopt_gen.cc -o custom_getopt_gen.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo dependant_option.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT dependant_option.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
dependant_option.lo dependant_option.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
dependant_option.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/dependant_option.Tpo -c 
dependant_option.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/dependant_option.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
dependant_option.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/dependant_option.Tpo -c 
dependant_option.cc -o dependant_option.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo enum_decl.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT enum_decl.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o enum_decl.lo 
enum_decl.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT enum_decl.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/enum_decl.Tpo -c enum_decl.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT enum_decl.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/enum_decl.Tpo -c enum_decl.cc -o enum_decl.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo exit_failure.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT exit_failure.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
exit_failure.lo exit_failure.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT exit_failure.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/exit_failure.Tpo -c exit_failure.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT exit_failure.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/exit_failure.Tpo -c exit_failure.cc -o exit_failure.o 
>/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo file_save.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT file_save.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o file_save.lo 
file_save.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT file_save.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/file_save.Tpo -c file_save.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT file_save.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/file_save.Tpo -c file_save.cc -o file_save.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo file_save_multiple.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT file_save_multiple.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
file_save_multiple.lo file_save_multiple.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
file_save_multiple.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/file_save_multiple.Tpo -c 
file_save_multiple.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/file_save_multiple.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
file_save_multiple.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/file_save_multiple.Tpo -c 
file_save_multiple.cc -o file_save_multiple.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo free_list.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT free_list.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o free_list.lo 
free_list.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT free_list.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/free_list.Tpo -c free_list.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT free_list.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/free_list.Tpo -c free_list.cc -o free_list.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo free_multiple.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT free_multiple.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
free_multiple.lo free_multiple.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT free_multiple.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/free_multiple.Tpo -c free_multiple.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT free_multiple.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/free_multiple.Tpo -c free_multiple.cc -o free_multiple.o 
>/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo free_string.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT free_string.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
free_string.lo free_string.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT free_string.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/free_string.Tpo -c free_string.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT free_string.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/free_string.Tpo -c free_string.cc -o free_string.o >/dev/null 
depbase=`echo generic_option.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT generic_option.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
generic_option.lo generic_option.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT generic_option.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/generic_option.Tpo -c generic_option.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC 
-o .libs/generic_option.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT generic_option.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/generic_option.Tpo -c generic_option.cc -o generic_option.o 
>/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo given_field.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT given_field.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
given_field.lo given_field.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT given_field.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/given_field.Tpo -c given_field.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT given_field.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/given_field.Tpo -c given_field.cc -o given_field.o >/dev/null 
depbase=`echo group_counter.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT group_counter.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
group_counter.lo group_counter.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT group_counter.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/group_counter.Tpo -c group_counter.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT group_counter.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/group_counter.Tpo -c group_counter.cc -o group_counter.o 
>/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo group_option.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT group_option.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
group_option.lo group_option.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT group_option.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/group_option.Tpo -c group_option.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT group_option.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/group_option.Tpo -c group_option.cc -o group_option.o 
>/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo handle_help.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT handle_help.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
handle_help.lo handle_help.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT handle_help.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/handle_help.Tpo -c handle_help.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT handle_help.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/handle_help.Tpo -c handle_help.cc -o handle_help.o >/dev/null 
depbase=`echo handle_version.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT handle_version.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
handle_version.lo handle_version.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT handle_version.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/handle_version.Tpo -c handle_version.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC 
-o .libs/handle_version.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT handle_version.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/handle_version.Tpo -c handle_version.cc -o handle_version.o 
>/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo header.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT header.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o header.lo 
header.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT header.lo -MD -MP 
-MF .deps/header.Tpo -c header.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/header.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT header.lo -MD -MP 
-MF .deps/header.Tpo -c header.cc -o header.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo init_args_info.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT init_args_info.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
init_args_info.lo init_args_info.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT init_args_info.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/init_args_info.Tpo -c init_args_info.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC 
-o .libs/init_args_info.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT init_args_info.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/init_args_info.Tpo -c init_args_info.cc -o init_args_info.o 
>/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo multiple_fill_array.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT multiple_fill_array.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
multiple_fill_array.lo multiple_fill_array.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
multiple_fill_array.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/multiple_fill_array.Tpo -c 
multiple_fill_array.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/multiple_fill_array.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
multiple_fill_array.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/multiple_fill_array.Tpo -c 
multiple_fill_array.cc -o multiple_fill_array.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo multiple_opt_list.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT multiple_opt_list.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
multiple_opt_list.lo multiple_opt_list.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
multiple_opt_list.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/multiple_opt_list.Tpo -c 
multiple_opt_list.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/multiple_opt_list.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
multiple_opt_list.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/multiple_opt_list.Tpo -c 
multiple_opt_list.cc -o multiple_opt_list.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo option_arg.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT option_arg.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
option_arg.lo option_arg.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT option_arg.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/option_arg.Tpo -c option_arg.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT option_arg.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/option_arg.Tpo -c option_arg.cc -o option_arg.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo print_help_string.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT print_help_string.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
print_help_string.lo print_help_string.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
print_help_string.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/print_help_string.Tpo -c 
print_help_string.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/print_help_string.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
print_help_string.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/print_help_string.Tpo -c 
print_help_string.cc -o print_help_string.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo required_option.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT required_option.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
required_option.lo required_option.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
required_option.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/required_option.Tpo -c required_option.cc  
-DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/required_option.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT 
required_option.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/required_option.Tpo -c required_option.cc 
-o required_option.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo reset_group.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT reset_group.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
reset_group.lo reset_group.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT reset_group.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/reset_group.Tpo -c reset_group.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT reset_group.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/reset_group.Tpo -c reset_group.cc -o reset_group.o >/dev/null 
depbase=`echo update_given.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. 
-I../..     -g -O2 -MT update_given.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
update_given.lo update_given.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT update_given.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/update_given.Tpo -c update_given.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -g -O2 -MT update_given.lo 
-MD -MP -MF .deps/update_given.Tpo -c update_given.cc -o update_given.o 
>/dev/null 2>&1
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=link g++  -g -O2   -o libgen.la   
c_source.lo check_modes.lo clear_arg.lo clear_given.lo copyright.lo 
custom_getopt_gen.lo dependant_option.lo enum_decl.lo exit_failure.lo 
file_save.lo file_save_multiple.lo free_list.lo free_multiple.lo free_string.lo 
generic_option.lo given_field.lo group_counter.lo group_option.lo 
handle_help.lo handle_version.lo header.lo init_args_info.lo 
multiple_fill_array.lo multiple_opt_list.lo option_arg.lo print_help_string.lo 
required_option.lo reset_group.lo update_given.lo  
copying selected object files to avoid basename conflicts...
libtool: link: ar cr .libs/libgen.a .libs/c_source.o .libs/check_modes.o 
.libs/clear_arg.o .libs/clear_given.o .libs/copyright.o 
.libs/custom_getopt_gen.o .libs/dependant_option.o .libs/enum_decl.o 
.libs/exit_failure.o .libs/file_save.o .libs/file_save_multiple.o 
.libs/free_list.o .libs/free_multiple.o .libs/free_string.o 
.libs/generic_option.o .libs/given_field.o .libs/group_counter.o 
.libs/group_option.o .libs/handle_help.o .libs/handle_version.o .libs/header.o 
.libs/init_args_info.o .libs/multiple_fill_array.o .libs/multiple_opt_list.o 
.libs/option_arg.o .libs/print_help_string.o .libs/required_option.o 
.libs/reset_group.o .libs/update_given.o
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/libgen.a
libtool: link: rm -fr .libs/libgen.lax
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "libgen.la" && ln -s "../libgen.la" 
"libgen.la" )
make[5]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src/skels'
make[4]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src/skels'
Making all in tests
make[4]: Entering directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src/tests'
make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[4]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src/tests'
make[4]: Entering directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src'
depbase=`echo gengetopt.o | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.o$||'`;\
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  -I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT gengetopt.o -MD -MP 
-MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o gengetopt.o gengetopt.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
depbase=`echo acceptedvalues.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  
-I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT acceptedvalues.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
acceptedvalues.lo acceptedvalues.cpp &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
acceptedvalues.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/acceptedvalues.Tpo -c acceptedvalues.cpp  
-DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/acceptedvalues.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
acceptedvalues.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/acceptedvalues.Tpo -c acceptedvalues.cpp -o 
acceptedvalues.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo argsdef.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CC   --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  
-I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT argsdef.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
argsdef.lo argsdef.c &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
argsdef.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/argsdef.Tpo -c argsdef.c  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
argsdef.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/argsdef.Tpo -c argsdef.c -o argsdef.o >/dev/null 
depbase=`echo cmdline.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CC   --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  
-I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT cmdline.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
cmdline.lo cmdline.c &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
cmdline.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/cmdline.Tpo -c cmdline.c  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
cmdline.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/cmdline.Tpo -c cmdline.c -o cmdline.o >/dev/null 
depbase=`echo fileutils.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  
-I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT fileutils.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
fileutils.lo fileutils.cpp &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
fileutils.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fileutils.Tpo -c fileutils.cpp  -DDLL_EXPORT 
-DPIC -o .libs/fileutils.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
fileutils.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/fileutils.Tpo -c fileutils.cpp -o fileutils.o 
>/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo ggos.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  
-I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT ggos.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o ggos.lo 
ggos.cpp &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
ggos.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/ggos.Tpo -c ggos.cpp  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
ggos.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/ggos.Tpo -c ggos.cpp -o ggos.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo globals.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  
-I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT globals.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
globals.lo globals.cpp &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
globals.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/globals.Tpo -c globals.cpp  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
globals.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/globals.Tpo -c globals.cpp -o globals.o >/dev/null 
depbase=`echo gm.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  
-I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT gm.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o gm.lo gm.cc 
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
gm.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/gm.Tpo -c gm.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/gm.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
gm.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/gm.Tpo -c gm.cc -o gm.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo gm_utils.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  
-I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT gm_utils.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
gm_utils.lo gm_utils.cpp &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
gm_utils.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/gm_utils.Tpo -c gm_utils.cpp  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC 
-o .libs/gm_utils.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
gm_utils.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/gm_utils.Tpo -c gm_utils.cpp -o gm_utils.o 
>/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo parser.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  
-I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT parser.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o parser.lo 
parser.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
parser.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/parser.Tpo -c parser.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
parser.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/parser.Tpo -c parser.cc -o parser.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo scanner.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  
-I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT scanner.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
scanner.lo scanner.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
scanner.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/scanner.Tpo -c scanner.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
scanner.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/scanner.Tpo -c scanner.cc -o scanner.o >/dev/null 
depbase=`echo yyerror.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  
-I../gl -I../gl   -g -O2 -MT yyerror.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o 
yyerror.lo yyerror.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
yyerror.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/yyerror.Tpo -c yyerror.cc  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../gl -I../gl -g -O2 -MT 
yyerror.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/yyerror.Tpo -c yyerror.cc -o yyerror.o >/dev/null 
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=link g++  -g -O2   -o libgengetopt.la  
acceptedvalues.lo argsdef.lo cmdline.lo fileutils.lo ggos.lo globals.lo gm.lo 
gm_utils.lo parser.lo scanner.lo yyerror.lo ../gl/libgnu.la skels/libgen.la 
libtool: link: (cd .libs/libgengetopt.lax/libgnu.a && ar x 
libtool:   error: object name conflicts in archive: 
make[4]: *** [Makefile:794: libgengetopt.la] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src'
make[3]: *** [Makefile:931: all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src'
make[2]: *** [Makefile:699: all] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23/src'
make[1]: *** [Makefile:689: all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/gengetopt-2.23'
make: *** [Makefile:600: all] Error 2
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