On 11/18/2020 10:33 AM, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin wrote:
On 18.11.2020 14:54, Norton Allen wrote:
On 11/18/2020 6:31 AM, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin wrote:
On 18.11.2020 01:24, Norton Allen wrote:
Rolling back cmake from 3.17.3-2 to 3.14.5-1 seems to have resolved
the problem.
Any idea why no one else seems to be seeing this problem with
I assume you had an incomplete upgrade.
what is the output of "cygcheck cmake" ?
I rolled back forward to 3.17.3-2 and verified that 3.17.3-2 still
shows the problem:
$ cygcheck cmake
Found: C:\cygwin64\bin\cmake.exe
this is strange
Can you try also
strace -o cmake.out /usr/bin/cmake --version
I expect an error with a specific shared library
Yes, earlier in the thread I reported running with strace and
identifying a specific symbol that was missing, apparently from the
stdc++ library:
This seems to be the crux of it. That entry point is simply not in the
g++ shared library. I have not figured out why this cropped up today,
since it is not present in the current (10.2.0-1) or previous
(9.3.0-2) versions. I will trying going back to, but it's hard
to imagine it's been gone so long and I haven't seen the problem
before today.
nort@easwhlpt3425080 /usr/bin
$ strings cygstdc++-6.dll | grep
nort@easwhlpt3425080 /usr/bin
$ strings cmake.exe | grep
_ZNSt19basic_ostringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1Ev is the symbol
that popped up in the strace error dialog.
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