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From: Jim McNamara <nefarioussch...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Nov 14, 2020, 12:57 AM
Subject: Switching to posix with no acl
To: Cygwin <cygwin@cygwin.com>

Hi all

Since there are no adduser or addgroup, I guess I'd create those files
manually off /etc.

Then I'd run passwd.

After that put in /etc/fstab

none /cygdrive cygdrive binary, posix=0, noacl, user 0 0

Close all processes.

That would give me a posix permission set up, right?

I read something about windows ignoring some dos bit with a file permission
but that is outside of cygwin...right?

Lastly, with acl you open an administrator cmd shell. With posix can I
escalate to root and stay away from admin cmd shell?

Is anyone else using posfix setup in general or mostly acl?

Thanks for any help!

Sat. Nov. 14 1:35 pm

Hi all-

I found in the manual about the execute bit permission being ignored in
filesystems with acl. That answered one question above. I can just take
advantage of how exe heuristics work.

If I find myself in a position where it needs administrator rights via a
shell, will it interfere with my posix permissions, users, or groups once
the /etc/groups and /etc/password and fstab are already setup

Did the fstab entry above look okay for posix permission?

Thanks for any assistance !
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