On 2020-09-10 13:31, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Am 10.09.2020 um 21:19 schrieb Ken Brown via Cygwin:
>> On 9/10/2020 3:15 PM, Andrew Schulman via Cygwin wrote:
>>>> On Sep  9 08:08, Andrew Schulman via Cygwin wrote:
>>>>> Here's a strange one. In bash in i686, try to run:
>>>>> ls /dev/ptmx
>>>>> I only get about as far as:
>>>>> ls /dev/p
>>>>> and then my terminal window vanishes. This happens:
>>>>> * In fish or bash.
>>>>> * On two different hosts that I've tried.
>>>>> * In mintty or a system terminal. In the system terminal, sometimes the
>>>>> command works normally the first time, but fails the 2nd time; or I have 
>>>>> to
>>>>> press <TAB> after `ls /dev/p`, then the terminal vanishes.
>>>>> * With other commands that treat their arguments as files, not text. So 
>>>>> for
>>>>> example, I can't finish typing `cat /dev/ptmx` or `test -r /dev/ptmx`
>>>>> before the terminal window vanishes, but `echo /dev/ptmx` works normally.
>>>>> It doesn't happen:
>>>>> * In x86_64 - only i686.
>>>>> * In scripts - only interactively.
>>>>> Is anyone else able to reproduce this? I've tried to capture an strace 
>>>>> log,
>>>>> but I've failed so far. The strace seems to stop the crash. Still trying.
>>>>> I thought this could be a BLODA problem, but the two hosts I tried are
>>>>> running different virus scanners (McAfee and Windows Defender).
>>>>> Cygwin 3.1.7-1, all packages up-to-date. Output of cygcheck -svr attached.
>>>>> Andrew
>>>> I think I fixed it.  I just uploaded new developer snapshots to
>>>> https://cygwin.com/snapshots/  Please give them a try.
>>> When I substitute cygwin1-20090909.dll for cygwin1.dll in i686, I can't run
>>> any commands. They all give "The application was unable to start correctly
>>> (0xc0000022)". Anything different I should be doing?
>> Check the permissions on cygwin1-20090909.dll.  Is it executable?
> cygwin1-20090909.dll is 11 years old. Did you download the latest snapshot?

The latest is 20200909, so I suspect his fingers got excited about 9s somewhere,
plus the old one is no longer available:
"The requested URL /snapshots/x86/cygwin1-20090909.dll.xz was not found on this

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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