On 04.09.2020 05:58, briand (at) pounceofcats.com wrote:

Just got a new computer at work, so it got a very fresh install of cygwin.

The problem i was having with the fonts not displaying correctly in Julia is 
now gone, and that's much more important than it sounds.  A great many of the 
julia packages, and some that I use frequently, make heavy use of unicode 
characters so it could be quite difficult to know what was going on.

However the segfault problem with graph is still there.

So, something in the windows set-up seems to be responsible for having broken 
the unicode/font display, because i was running the same version of cygwin on 
both machines (and both under W10).

The thing with graph segfaulting is giving the exact same behavior, so that's still a 
mystery.  and yes i did install both the "test" version of plotutils and the 
version before and both versions gave the exact same symptoms.

a simple test case, please

It is difficult to correct any problem without it


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