On 15.08.2020 13:49, Mike O'Brien wrote:
On 8/13/2020 3:10 PM, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin wrote:
On 13.08.2020 20:25, Mike O'Brien via Cygwin wrote:
My first and only post —
I would like to upgrade/update/switch from Cygwin32 to Cygwin64 (on
Win 7x64, sp1) and I'm not so sure what all the likely pitfalls may
be. Would appreciate any pertinent advice, informational links, etc.
that experienced users may wish to share. I've searched around and
pieced together a few insights, but I would be remiss not to ask here...
Mike O'B.
duplicate installation with the attached script
./cyg-reinstall.sh -A
sed -e "s/setup-x86/setup-x86_64/" cyg-reinstall-x86.bat >
run the "cyg-reinstall-x86_64.bat" script in the same directory of
after you can use your 32bit to copy the /home/<your_user>
and all the content of "/etc" that you have customized.
All done and looking good!
That wasn't painful at all — much to my surprise . . .
Seriously though, thank you, Marco.
you are welcome
Mike O'B.
Mater mea, et are Hibernica Pater, et Ego Hibernica quoque!
I was not aware that Ireland was called Hibernia in the old times.
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