On 10.08.2020 09:16, Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 10.08.2020 06:58, Xavier Delaruelle wrote:
Hi Marco,

I have been able to test new packages and now I am hitting another issue:

Extension error:
Could not import extension sphinx.builders.epub3 (exception: No module named 'sphinxcontrib.serializinghtml')

The full log is available at [1].

My software documentation does not rely on any extension (see [2]), so I assume this is missing extension is something required when you want to build the HTML documentation.

My last build that went fine was 4 days ago. It used python37-sphinx 1.8.5-1 (logs available at [3]).


Hi Xavier,
it seems some problem of how they modified the
python-sphinx  3.1.2

I hit the same problem than you on rebuilding cmake
and I am building and adding new contrib packages

python3x-sphinxcontrib-applehelp        1.0.2-1
python3x-sphinxcontrib-devhelp          1.0.2-1
python3x-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp         1.0.3-1
python3x-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml  1.1.4-1
python3x-sphinxcontrib-websupport       1.2.3-1

I wonder if it is a side effect of not having yet ported

as soon cmake documentation complete, I will upload all the
new contrib packages


after adding also
python3x-sphinxcontrib-qthelp  1.0.3-1

I was able to build cmake documentation

let me know if you need any other sphinxcontrib-**


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