On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 12:36 PM Brian Inglis wrote:
> Looks like a packaging problem as the man dirs are created but not populated:

What undoubtedly happened was that the git checkout used for the
release does not include pre-generated man pages, and the build
required the yodl document processor to create them. At the time the
configure & make would have just mentioned that it wasn't able to
build the manpages, but the build would not have failed, making that
issue easy to miss. (And the "./prepare-source fetchgen" command would
not have worked since samba.org switched over to requiring ssl for the
rsync daemon copy commands and the script wasn't fixed to handle that

In the upcoming 3.2.0 release the man page source files have changed
from .yo files to .md files, their build process only requires python3
and python3-commonmark (which Cygwin has), and the configure & make
rules now fail if there are no man pages and no way to build them.
This should hopefully mean that the issue won't recur should another
git release be needed in the future.

On the subject of the pending 3.2.0 release, it would be nice to get
the xxHash library turned into normal & dev packages so that the
Cygwin rsync can ship with xxhash checksum support.  I've installed
xxHash manually for testing and it's working fine (and I just got the
project to fix a Cygwin install issue in the Makefile). For anyone
wanting to test it manually, you can grab the latest git or zip file
from github (https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash) and run "PREFIX=/usr
make install". If nobody else gets around to it I'll see what I can do
once I get done with the rsync release process.

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