Takashi Yano via Cygwin writes:
> Both 4 and 5 successfully open mintty window with shell.

…as they do for me on other machines that have different configuration.

> I wonder what is the difference between my environment and yours.

That way lies madness… and I can't really tell you as this machine is
not under my control, so tons of GP directives.  Both my user and admin
account are actually domain accounts, not local ones, and the admin
account is from a different (but federated) domain.  Again, I have no
idea if that's needed for the problem to occur, but it isn't on at least
one other machine (that is a different install type, so gets different
GP applied).  Both accounts (but especially my user account) will return
lots of data when you ask the AD for just about anything other than just
the username, so these queries take some time.

From the different workarounds that were applicable to different
versions of Cygwin and the fact it sometimes works when trying to
strace, it still seems to me that it livelocks on some unexpected

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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