On 17.05.2020 12:15, Franz Fehringer via Cygwin wrote:
This is a repost, because sending to group gmane.os.cygwin seemingly did
not get through.
Am 27.03.2020 um 12:39 schrieb Franz Fehringer:
Dear group,
Since a few weeks i see "hangs" wich X11 clients.
Upon investigation i find two xinit instances (on each XWin launch) in
the task manager which seemingly lock out each other.
If i terminate the "right one" then X11 intialization proceeds (xauth,
xrdb ...) und X11 starts to behave normally.
Is it possible to fix this (or what can be wrong on my side if this is
not a general problem)?
Thx & best regards
Franz Fehringer
Win10 1909 latest and german btw
Hi Franz,
can you follow guideline and provide the cygcheck.out as attachement ?
Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html
How are you starting Xwin ?
Have you any custom setting ?
(eg a .startxwinrc on your home, or similar)
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