On 17.05.2020 04:29, René Berber via Cygwin wrote:
On 5/16/2020 8:37 PM, Dennis Heimbigner via Cygwin wrote:
Cygwin 64-bit.
WIndows 10
Download hdf5 package.
Search for the libraries:
cd /usr
find . -name '*hdf5*'
Nothing is found.
Where is it being installed?
You can look for yourself what is being installed and where:
or use cygcheck and verify your installations:
Which are the installed package with hdf5 in the name ?
$ cygcheck -cd |grep -i hdf5
hdf5 1.10.6-1
libhdf5-devel 1.10.6-1
libhdf5_103 1.10.6-1
libhdf5cpp_103 1.10.6-1
libhdf5hl_100 1.10.6-1
libhdf5hlcpp_100 1.10.6-1
Is the library package correctly installed ?
$ cygcheck -c libhdf5_103
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version Status
libhdf5_103 1.10.6-1 OK
What is the content ?
$ cygcheck -l libhdf5_103
PS: for me find works
$ cd /usr
$ find . -name '*hdf5*'
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