I had a similar experience when I tried to use the CLI that comes with
MongoDB. Switched to use TakeCommand instead when I needed to use the
MongoDB CLI. Too bad!

- Eric L

On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 11:05 PM Kacper Michajlow via Cygwin <
cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was testing latest master (e637d53) and console is clunky in anything
> that isn't cmd.exe or mintty. I tested Microsoft Terminal and ConEmu.
> For example navigating with arrows doesn't work in vim. In zsh searching
> history with up arrow when there is beginning of the command doesn't work.
> And so on, sometimes Home button doesn't work to jump to beginning of the
> line or Backspace to clear input.
> It used to work better. I have tried CYGWIN=disable_pcon but didn't help
> really.
> Is it known problem? Is there a workaround? Should this be fixed in Cygwin
> or somewhere else?
> Thanks,
> Kacper
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