>/BTW, I was playing around with rdiff-backup 1.2.8-6 a couple days ago, />/and while it 
seemed to work fine when the destination was on a local />/drive, I couldn't figure out how 
to get it to work when the destination />/is a network share If I specify the destination 
as />/'//' I get: /
>/ Fatal Error: Unable to create directory 
/>// /
Note the single leading slash.
Most likely, the program performs manual "normalization" of the path, which is
not POSIX-compatible.
POSIX explicitly declare that double leading slash is a special case, and its
behavior is defined by the underlying system.
If 2.0 would exhibit the same behavior, it is worth reporting upstream.

Based on my limited testing, 2.0.0-2 works fine with local directories.  As far as i can tell it works at least as well as version 1.2.8-6.

2.0.0-2 does exhibit the same behavior for network shares.  I discovered, however, that there is a "native" windows version of rdiff-backup (https://github.com/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup/releases/tag/v2.0.0), so I downloaded, installed, tried it.  It also exhibits the same behavior for network shares, so the issue is clearly not introduced by the cygwin port.

I created an issue upstream (https://github.com/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup/issues/353).

Thanks to everyone for your assistance.

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