On 4/4/2020 5:00 AM, Ben wrote:

> I've been playing with ARM GNU GCC and some examples from nordic 
semiconductor for some of their
> demo boards (The Thingy)

Sounds as if that is a Windows program, not a Cygwin or Linux program.

> The make file that comes with the project includes source files using the 
(abspath ../main.c) (as
> one example) which GCC really seems to hate.

> The output from GCC is the full path (/home/bkamen/workspace-nordic/.....) 
right down to the file
> and gcc tells me it can't find the file.

If your gcc is a Windows gcc then it wants a Windows path.

> if I change the mail file to use a relative path, gcc can find that... but 
ultimately I'm trying to
> understand the issue than just patch around it.

This goes along with my theory.

> I'm using the arm-gcc from the developer.arm.com website.
> Is there something else I'm missing? What files can I offer (like the 
makefile) that can help
> determine the issue?

You can fix the Makefile to pass Windows paths.  The cygpath tool and make's
$(shell ...) command might be useful.

But I also wonder if maybe the mingw environment is more suited to this work,
or finding a Windows version of make.

Perhaps there are others here who can clarify or add to this ...   EM
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