On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 01:04, L A Walsh wrote:
> On 2020/02/27 14:30, Brian Inglis wrote:
> > No, you must backport all sources to the current and all previous versions
> ----
>     What all previous versions?  Going back to year 2000 or before?
> That sounds a bit onerous.

I think the point Brian was trying to make was that it is not
sufficient to provide the source code in future releases of Bill's
Cygwin-OpenSSH package. To comply with the GPL requirements, Bill
would need to make available all the relevant source code for every
binary release he has made of his package.

Alternatively: yes. The GPL _is_ onerous. That's sort of the point: it
forces people to make source code available even when they don't want
to, regardless of whether that's because they don't want others
changing their code or because they just don't want to do the
additional work.
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