Eliot Moss wrote:
Well, I had _thought_ I had done 'cygport install' and run the installed
version, but I seem to have been wrong.  I seem to have manually over-written
the proper (stripped) binary with the wrapper!

Anyway, I've got the whole thing working and offer the attached patches for
"thoughtful consideration".  I have done away with the need to create an empty
or fake /usr/local/include/sys/syscall.h and changed the source of the
relevant programs to conditional #include <sys/syscall.h> on #indef
__CYGWIN__, which sruck me as more legitimate (the file in questions is
patched anyway).  And I improved configure.ac so that the programs controlled
by --enable-schedutils are more independent and can fail individually without
failing the build.  Part of that was subtituting, as a patch to configure.ac,
a check for the sched_getaffinity and sched_setaffinity calls in place of the
check for the corresponding syscall.  The whole builds and installs.  I can
provide the packaged up version (I assume that is the 'dist' hierarchy) if
that would be helpful.

Thanks very much for working on all this and contributing it. I will build and test as soon as I can. I need to research the packaging steps because I intend to ITA this package. I do also want to take another look at the other programs built as part of --enable-schedutils; they might (or might not) build cleanly but AFAIK there's no support within Cygwin and/or Windows for what they can do on Linux.

Thanks again,


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