Greetings, KARL BOTTS!

> I am worried.  I need to instruct an IT department to install Cygwin.  I am
> afraid that if I just tell them to run the installer, they will get an
> unstable version.  I am afraid other new users will be in the same boat.

Cygwin is a rolling release distribution. Whatever is in main installation set
is considered stable.
You could have found the answer yourself, if you have used search through the
list archive.

> I am fine for myself: I am on Cygwin 3.07, it is a tank, and I can stay there
> for the rest of the year if necessary.  That is not the issue.

3.0.7 is not supported anymore.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Thursday, February 20, 2020 21:34:21

Sorry for my terrible english...

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