> > inside windows 10 (build 1909)
> > just open WIN+R cmd.exe
> This start cmd.exe.
> > type
> > `ssh root@my_redhat_entrise_linux_7.2`
> This uses windows OpenSSH to connect linux.
no, i install cygwin ssh package
and i have `c:\cygwin64\bin\` in PATH environment rather than
so ssh.exe it's a cygwin process

> This runs screen command in Linux.
> Where does Cygwin's concern?
;) as I see it's more related to old `screen` version inside RHEL 7.2
than cygwin concern ;(

I tried to run
`C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe root@my_rhel_72_host`
and found bugs which look like same under Cygwin ssh, but different
little bit ;-)
also, I run
`C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe -i private_key vagrant@ -p 2222`
and on my Ubuntu 18.04 screen works fine

> > and view lot of bugs with wrong keys behaviors:
> > - ctrl+space hotkey not worked (not only in `screen`, but in any cygwin 
> > executable)
> What is your expectation by ctrl+space? This normally sends
> ^@ (0x00) to client. Is this as you expected?
sorry to mislead you
I mean `ALT+SPACE`
it's a hotkey for show window main menu

> > - `left arrow`, `backspace` and `delete` keys works wrong like a `right 
> > arrow`
> What happen if you use these keys?
under latest cygwin 3.1.4 + ssh 8.2p1-1 behavior look like I press
space or press "right arrow"

under win32 openssh behavior different

under cygwin1.dll 3.0.7 and c:\cygwin64\bin\ssh.exe 8.2p1-1 behavior
look like normal

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