The directory color assignments for dracula, flat-ui, and several other themes 
render 'ls -l' listings very hard to read (foreground and background are nearby 
blue-green shades for "d" entries).  FWIW, currently theme is "dracula", but am 
getting same results for flat-ui, etc.

I've tried various ways to customize colors, even saving LS_COLORS to a 
~/.dir_colors" file, tweaking "DIR 01;31" -> DIR 01;35", and adding "eval 
`dircolors ~/.dir_colors`" on the last line of .bashrc.

Incanting 'ls -l' in ~ yields a perfectly readable listing.  However, as soon 
as I cd to some directory not under ~, the scheme reverts to the released one.  
I've been unable to find any posts describing any such problem, and am 
wondering if cd might be invoking some subcutaneous hook that could be messing 
with LS_COLORS in some way (BTW, in any of the color-reverted directories, 
LS_COLORS shows the updated "di=01;35" binding, not the released one).

Thanks in advance for any advice/workarounds/fixes.


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