> stow needs perl-Stow to run, get an error like "Can't locate Stow.pm in @INC 
> ..." without it on most stow commands, but it is not currently a dependency 
> of stow.

Hi. Hm, sorry about that. Yes, stow does depend on perl-Stow, which is just
a Perl package split out of the build from the same source. But I see that
cygport didn't find it as a dependency, so it didn't make it into the
dependency list.

Yaakov, any thoughts on why cygport didn't spot perl-Stow as a dependency
of stow? I just rebuilt stow and found the same thing:

>>> stow requires: perl-Scalar-List-Utils perl_base
>>> perl-Stow requires: perl_base

Anyway, I'll upload a new version with the dependency included. Thanks for
reporting that.

> It looks like this has happened before, not sure if this is the same problem 
> or a reoccurring problem. 
> https://sourceware.org/ml/cygwin/2017-11/msg00118.html

Different problem, when stow had to be rebuilt for a new Perl version.


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